Early bird registration closes on the 15th of July.
Late registration closes on the 15th of August.
Log in to your account as explained here above,
under "My account" choose the edit TAB,
finally fill in the form (title, affiliation, text and type of contribution)
Abstract submission deadline for poster is on the 1st of August
Acceptance of oral contributions (submission deadline 31th May) will be communicated on the 20th of June
Fee must be sent by bank transfer to the following account:
Beneficiary: Lund University
Corporate identity number: 202100-3211
VAT reg. no: SE202100321101
Postal address: Lund University, Mathematical Physics P O Box 117 SE - 221 00 LUND Sweden
Bank Name: Swedbank AB
Bank Address: Swedbank AB SE-105 34 STOCKHOLM Sweden
IBAN: SE75 8000 0890 1192 4358 5123
Reference: ETSF 21 - name of participant
All bank charges must be covered by the transmitter. Currency for the payment is SEK.
Early bird payment until July 15th.
All participants will receive a receipt from the conference, confirming they have paid the fee.
A certain number of bursaries partially covering accommodation and living costs is available. To apply:
Deadline to apply for support: June 30, 2016
Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
Applications without motivation, reference, and position statement will not be considered